Sunday, December 19, 2010

December up-to's!

Hello all! just a little update on our life's for the past couple weeks! Chase is doing great, keeping really busy so i only talk to him oh ever few days or every 5 days... that's the worst part i think is the waiting to hear from him... anyways jaden and i are just trying to keep our self's busy so here's what we have been up to!

well this has been my obsession this past week ha ha i have a stupid head cold that is ALL in my nose luckily i have no sore throat i just cant breath well, my nose is ether runny or completely stuffy, thanks to Valerie for running to the store for me i think the medicine is somewhat helping!

Jaden absolutely LOVES sponge bob! when ever we go to my parents house that's the first thing he asks to do is watch it on TV! we were in walmart the other day and jaden spotted this balloon from across the store!! so we went a head and got it since he did so great shopping with me!

Potty Training has been going fantastic he loves the toilet! its now been a week and he poops in the toilet 100% of the time, we only have maybe one peeing accident a day and that's usually when his mind is to focused on doing something that he doesn't run to the toilet fast enough! he loves wearing his undies and his pull-ups are buzz & woody so he is in heaven with them as well ha ha!

his latest and greatest things are counting his stacking bath cups and counting his Dino's or just stacking things up and knocking them over with the Dino's he is a funny kid!

our wonderful Christmas tree! its crooked because of me i think i broke a little piece on the bottom but oh well ha my dad says it gives it character ! jaden is pretty exited about the gifts we have the ones from my parents under there all ready, my ward is also doing the 12 days of Christmas and we are one of the family's they are doing it has turned out to be so much fun! jaden loves to hear some one knock at the door he comes yelling and running to me and then has to get the gift him self!! some we have opened and some we have just put under the tree for fun!

i love it when jaden sit's like this! when he watches a movie and is just in his t-shirt and undies he will pull his shirt over his legs and think its the coolest thing in the world! kinda funny cause i used to do that all the time when i was younger but we would try to walk at the same time! i'm sure that will come when he gets older!

he LOVES playing "star fall" on the computer all by him self! he is becoming quite the independent boy! also bossy but hey he is two!
he loves to skype with dad! he thinks its a game and plays peek-boo, does monkey faces, dances, all sorts of funny things to see if chase will copy!
he likes to read his books, i love when he is quiet and i go to find him and he is sitting in his room reading to him self, or turns on his radio and is dancing! hes certainly a little character and we love him!
As for me things are going good i am now about 23 weeks along and I'm not "showing" too much! all my "morning sickness" is gone! still trying to decide on a name! and just trying to get over this head cold! i really hope it is gone by Christmas i don't think we can stand being trapped up in the house to much longer!! we have been finding all sorts of things to do from playing with playdoe to making paper bag puppets or just building with blocks! well thats all for now i'll keep you updated with chase and our findings!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

somthings cookin in the oven!!

Well for those who don't know yet but i'm pretty sure every one does! i'm pregnant!! i am 20 weeks along today and we found out its a ....... GIRL !! chase and i are very exited!! and jaden will be a great big brother! even though he doesn't understand at all what is going on haha! well i'm not really showing yet i have a little bump but it still just looks like some fat at the top of your pants haha! but no worries i'm sure i will start popping out here pretty soon since i am allready half way!


Little profile picture what a cute!
its a little thing i do when i find out what i'm having i have to go buy a little pair of shoes! jaden got brown and this little girly of corse got pink! the inside of them are like slippers i would totaly wear them around haha!

her little feet! she moves around like crazy so it was kind of hard to get really good pictures!

her spine

and her brain!
i know its kind of wierd but i can't deside on a name! i thought i had one picked out but now i'm not sure i like it as much as i did so if you have any girl name suggestions feel free to share!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

What have we been up to....

Coloring and Carving more pumpkins! jaden really loves coloring so we just find new things to color!! i'll upload the finished pics soon!

Got rid of Jadens toddler bed seeing how every time he tryed to roll over and get comfy he would fall half way or all the way off! thanks to my parents for getting me this bunkbed growing up!(didn't think back then hey this would be a great bed when i'm married and have kids) he loves it and he thinks it is especially cool when its a fort!! it also has toy story sheets all over it which he LOVES!!! because Buzz is the coolest!!

Making our favorite fresh chip dip! jaden helped me cut up everything, open every can but didn't like when i mixed it all together he just wanted to eat the corn haha!

he is getting better at prayer time he found it really funny to start yelling when i got half way through a prayer. slowly but surly he is getting quieter and listening instead.

I was looking on line one day and found this fun idea for a daily scedual not only does it help him through the day but it helps me stay more focused i think on what we should do through out the day.

and last of all there is a stupid flu going around town i had it Sunday spent the whole day throwing up and not keeping hardly anything down, monday just worked on getting my energy back, today i feel great but now jaden has started throwing up tonight poor little guy! he is such a trooper still as happy as ever! when he first threw up we were out side and he was so embarased he covored his mouth and looked at me with some of the sadest eyes i have ever seen. it took a little time reasuring him it was okay. since then he has thrown up 3 more times and luckily for me he knows when its coming he will look at me and cover his mouth so we run to the sick bucket or toilet wich ever one is closer.
so as you can see in the picture we are camping out in the living room tonight sickbucket close by! wish us luck hopefully the night goes smoothly!

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Jadens Pumpkin! he is really into coloring lately so i thought a pumpkin would be perfect for him while i paint my projects!!

I'm not sure if i like the colors together but i guess they will do i have allready sprayed the finisher on it! cute little praying boy to put in jadens room i think on the base of it i will wright "did you think to pray" ... still debating!

This is the final of the pumkins i was painting below! i'm not to pleased with the color of the leafs the one i did for my mom turned out much better! oh well i do like it, and the light inside is so fun it flickers!!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Just some things i have been working on!

Well i have had a little crafty itch this past week so this is what i have been working on!
These head bands i made for my friend Kiley she just had a cute little bundle of joy!!!!

These pumpkins i LOVE they were SO easy to make! 2 rolls of toilet paper for the small pumpkins, a roll of Paper towels for the large, peaces of fabric, a few sticks and ribbon for the bows!

this took FOR EVER and made me very frustrated! as soon as i hung it up two pieces of candy fell off.......... grr

This i LOVE! there is a great little shop in Providence where you can go buy all sorts of ceramics, paint them, have them fired and such! i have bought a few things through the years but this one reminded me of when i was growing up. my mom had one with a light in the middle and over the years it broke, it was one of my favorite Halloween decorations so i was lucky to find it at this little shop and bought one for me and my mom! I'm done with one i just have to take it back and have it fired i will post the end result!!

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Chase's Farewell Party!

Chases party was great! THANK YOU ALL who came and supported him! i'm sad we didn't get nearly enuff pictures! and didn't get pictures of every one! He was Surprised and so Greatfull!!!!
A HUGE thank you to my MOM for all her cooking in the kitchen all the food turned out vantastic!!! and we had more than enuff! thanks to Janet for the root beer! you are a very busy and wonderful woman!! thanks to every one that brought food! THank you Hope for taking some pictures!! Thank you Wade!!! for taking Chase out fishing all morning so i could set things up with out him knowing what was going on! he was getting suspisiouse when i was helping mom all day friday!
He had a blast fishing and didn't want to leave it was the best day of fishing they had ever had! he new we were having lunch up at mom and dads because wades family was up (the excuse i gave him) so he told wade "We will just tell them we got a flat tire" good thing wade knew what was going on and didn't let that happen! haha!

Jaden is now 2 !!!

Wow! where has the time gone??????? it seems like only last fall i had him but its been a whole two years! our little man is growing up SO fast and is SO big!! we took him to the doc's on friday he is now 27 lbs and 35 in tall! he really likes going to the doctors office when its time to walk back to the room he will run back, take off his shoes stand on the scale to be weighed, sits down on a chair while the doc checks him out, he loves getting his ears checked and his belly listened to, hates his mouth checked, and laughs when his tummy and knees get pushed on! he is starting to say a lot of words but doesn't always use them to ask for things. he is starting to get quite the attitude and doesn't like sharing lately... hopefully we can change that!

Wednesday was his birthday he woke up and wanted a bowl of cereol wich is fine! then he saw lots of balloons in the living room and was SO exited! then came his gifts he got a little play-doe work shop that he LOVES he is really good not to throw it or eat it! he also got a ball popping toy the twinnies have one and when ever we go to their house its the only toy he wants so why not get one for your birthday?

Later that evening we had a little party with cousins and friends his age! Thank you MOM and DAD for letting us have it in your back yard! its the best play place for little ones! he got lots of COOL gifts! Thank you every one for your gifts he LOVES them ALL!!!!!

Lake Powell !!

My blog is being stupid so if the words don't match up with the pictures sorry!

This is Valeries face on the ride home! she did this while we passed cars! one guy saw her and took off his glasses for a double take haha he wasn't sure what was going on!

Jaden giving daddy a back massage!

Jaden and mommy listening to music!

Oh sweet little kids giving kisses!

Jaden bathing in the sink!

Chase diving off the top of the house boat!

Fun Surfing!

Jaden and Chase watching me surf

Chase surfing

Boat ride chase and his little man!

Family boat ride!

me trying to shoot a dead carp.... i nicked it......

georgouse picture!!!

Jaden watching tv!

WE had some crazy storms while we were there especially on the way back to the slip. we weren't sure we would make it!

Sicky dad... he had a fever of 102 ended up going to the clinic and found out he had broncides... (not sure on the spelling) so they gave him some meds and he was feeling better the next day so he could enjoy some of his trip!

Workin in the kitchen

Chase and I oh so cute!

Jadens favorite thing to do on the house boat jump off the top of the stairs !