Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Okay Every one here is a big update lots of pictures and info!! have fun!!


Okay i am going to kill this post!!! i keep accedently erasing the video this is the third time so it better work!!! this is one of jadens favorite toys!!!


So Chase has goten into Dirt biking! last Saturday he went to the FairView Track and tryed a big jump well he didn't clear it and when he landed all his weight went to his ankle so Monday I took him in, to get an x-ray (it was BIGGER on saturday!) and found out that a peace of bone on the back of his heel might be broken so he has a temporary cast on and gets to walk with crutches! untill Monday when we go into see a specialist!!

Like Father Like Son!!!

I have decided that Jaden must watch Chase when he eats something good enuff to lick the plate because Jaden will now do it after he eats rommin noodles (he loves them) or something that had juice on it!! and yep its super messy but thats what kids do!!!

Jadens 1st BirthDay!!!!

Jadens birthday was a lot of fun! we threw a little party for grandparents and his little friends (Daxton, Alyssa, Issac, Avry) to come to! it was a great turn out! he wasn't very happy but he did great!! he didn't know what to think of his cake! he would stick his finger into the frosting and then suck on it so i cut the cake open and he ate the inside!! Thank you to those who came and for the gifts he loves them all!!! Thanks to Valli for helping me make his cake!!!

Learning New Things!!

Well i think its time for an update with pictures!! Thanks to my WONDERFULL husband! i am SO LUCKY to be able to stay home with Jaden!! there for i am learning a lot of new stuff and loving it! i used to hate to cook but i am really liking it now!! i have been making Zuccinie Bread, Strawberrie Jam, Freezing peas all thanks to my wonderfull mother who is the most amazing cook!!! here are two pictures i didn't get pictures of everything but its an update!!ha

Thursday, September 17, 2009


So sorry i haven't got new pictures on here yet! my computer is still being stupid and stops working when i try to down load the pictures so i WILL use dads computer some time soon! right now we are pretty busy this week we are moving to a new apartment! Jaden is getting braver and letting go of things while he walks! chase is busy with school! and I'm busy with packing, loading, unpacking and such!! I'll give you all a GOOD update after we are all moved in!!!