Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Favorite things to do lately!

Pull him self up and play with the dvds!!
Play with my metal bowls!!

Watch TV and play with toys!

Shelling peas with mom!!

Mom and I spent quite a few hours last week picking, shelling and freezing peas. We had a great time talking and hanging out! of corse our fingers were sore and green by the end but it was fun. Jaden loved chewing on the pods and throwing them! he also had a blast mowing the lawn with Hope!!

Chase & Shad

Chase and Shad went to the track a couple weeks ago as you can see Jaden drove us all there and loved it!! Chase is in Orange, Shad is in Black they had a blast for about 3 or 4 hours!!

Monday, July 6, 2009


This is Live Elmo! Jadens grandma and grandpa Warner got this for him at Christmas, he ran out of batteries and we just put some new ones in!! Jaden loves to copy Elmo he flaps his arms like crazy and is just learning how to blow kisses!!

4th of JuLy!!!!

Friday night we went to the fireworks! we sat out side of the stadium and Jaden LOVED them!!! every time they would stop for a min. Jaden would start clapping! then Saturday we went to the car show and the cruise-in. Jaden loved all the cars revving their engines! the video is of jadens new language and if you watch his eyes i think its hilarious how he gets focused on something else!